Hello everyone,
I don't, usually, have such great ideas. This time, and I can promess you it will be the only time I do that, I'm going to write in english in my french blog because I came in Canada for multiple reasons but still one of my biggest achievement here's been to learn how to speak a new language and be fluent in it. I'm not saying that I don't make mistakes anymore...As you can tell by my writings in french it's far from being perfect (even though I thought it was ;)
There is a little bit of anxiety in the air, some VIP canadians (translation: one of my host family) might read this and d'think that my english is still something to work on. We'll see! The only point of doing this, is to show to my rotary in Laval that, although there are some very crazy people in Canada, they did a good job with my english and I know that most of you will have no problem understanding my attempts to convey gratitude at all as most of you know how to read english. As I'm writing I'm wondering if I would have been able to do the same thing last year, I know I felt like I could and that I already had more than enough english in my suitcase to take off from france with no worries!
I havn't been talking at all of what it is actually to learn a new language so let's say that: to some of us they'll not even bother with it "it's too hard !!" okay okay that's a choice, to some others they're willing to learn a new language, do their best and sometimes go through some difficulties but that's alright because they're still learning something out of it and enjoying it. It's cool to show some curiosity for what's different. I still think the best way to learn is to be immersed in the country and that this way you will also have more fun by living the experience. To me it felt at first very easy because everybody around was making it easier, the first few days were very tirering though because it is all brand new and you are puting a lot of efforts asking questions and learning more and more. Then came this stage when my language was good but at the same time it wasn't improving much, kind of remaining where it was already so I tried to read more and it helped, A LOT! I love reading and I love Harry Potter, one day somebody at school was just saying (we were talking about food...) "it's easy (as a piece of cake!) if you like peanutbutter and you like jam, then if you try peanutbutter and jam together hum it's just gonna taste amazing !" this doesn't work all the time but it worked with HP, I took what I loved, that is english and it went eggsalad! I like chocolate but nobody understood that new word coming out of my mouth...that was my saddest time haha. People that don't understand english at all will only read the beginning and the end so I must find something good to say at the end. By the way, if any of you was in Ryla I need to ask " Hey Ryla, how is it goin' ??" that's a must.
PS: bon appétit!